Stagecoach Community Development Foundation

About . . .

Our mission and Purpose

a) To promote the rehabilitation, and public use of the Town of Stagecoach, including the commercial enterprises and residences of those areas;

b) To take remedial actions to enhance the Town of Stagecoach through land use planning, public improvements and education, and thereby promote public use, contribute to community betterment, and enhance the social welfare while lessening the burdens on Stagecoachs government;

c) To disseminate information and promote interest in the Town of Stagecoach;

d) To hold meetings, seminars, and other activities for the instruction and education of members and the public;

e) To aid, work with, and participate in the activities of other organizations, individuals, and public and private entities located within and outside the Town of Stagecoach engaged in similar purposes;

f) To solicit, receive and administer funds for educational and charitable purposes, and to that end to take and hold by bequest, devise, gift, grant, purchase, lease or otherwise, either absolutely or jointly with any other person or corporation, any property, real, personal, tangible or intangible, or an undivided interest therein, without limitation as to value; to sell, convey or otherwise dispose of any property and to invest, reinvest or deal with the principal of the income thereof in such manner as, in the judgment of the corporations directors, will best promote the purposes of the corporation without limitation, except such limitations, if any, as may be contained in the instrument under which such property is received, the by-laws of incorporation, or any such laws thereto.

Stagecoach Community Development Foundation